Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Violate a Social Norm!

(1) As a group, determine a social norm that you all agree to break. Choose from one of the following 3 categories: (Dress/Attire; Behavior; or Language)

  • Caution: do not wear anything illegal, dangerous, or extremely disruptive.
  • Example: Try dressing in male clothes. Wear formal attire to a casual get together. Wear a winter coat in the summer. Wear sandals in the snow. Wear stripes with polka dots. Wear an unstylish or outdated outfit. Wear a bright colored wig.

  • Example: Picking your nose? Burping in public? 

  • Example: Try using proper language with your friend group, do not use contractions (“do not” instead of “don’t”). 

(2) One person from the group post here-- 

  1. Type: Group #, class color, and names (first name, last initial)
  2. Define the norm you will violate. Describe briefly how this norm acts as a mechanism of social control. Describe what you will do to violate the norm.
  3. Write your group’s hypothesis:  Describe the range of possible reactions others will have to the violation of this norm. What do you predict the major reaction will be?


  1. #6: orange class-Meghan B, Nicole G, Amy O. The norms we are going to violate are asking permission for everything from our parents (going to the bathroom, getting a drink, etc.), and never making eye contact when having a conversation. We think that these actions are going to make people feel uncomfortable and get weird reactions back from them.

  2. Group 3, Orange, Alexandra Huss, Larysa Iwaskiw, Kristin Kirwan
    2) we are going to violate the behavioral aspects of the normal instances one would experience in a public scene. We are planning on going into a restaurant, bringing a whoopie custion and using it constantly. We are planning on doing it spontaneously, in very awkward timings. Typically in a restaurant scene, you are supposed to be quiet and conservative. We are planning on doing the exact opposite.

    3) We believe that many people will give us dirty looks, tell us to keep it down, and get extremely angry at us. One possible major reaction will be to ask us to leave.

  3. Group 5: Heather O, Julia S, Kitty S

    We are violating the language norm. The way people talk shows alot about someone. Certain people are "supposed or expected" to talk in certain ways. We are going to talk really loudly. People could either look at us weird, not do anything at all, or call us out on it. Our hypothesis is that the majority of people are going to call us out on it, ask us why we are doing it, and probably tell us to stop.

  4. Group 2
    1. orange, Kelly C., Emilia W., Emma C.
    2. We are violating the language norm by talking in proper language to our friends and not using contractions. In our society we have developed a specialized language with a type of everyday slang so by breaking that we are going against social norms.
    3. Hypothesis: Due to the fact that we are violating respected social norms, we are predicting that the individuals surrounding us will be affected and will voice their disapprovals vehemently.

  5. Group 1, Orange, Lilliana B, Taylor B, Brigitte L
    2.) The norm that we are going to be violating is that nobody wears make up to school. Because everyone tacitly agrees not to wear makeup so everyone looks the same. This stops people from wanting to out do each other with their looks, its less of competition. Another element of it is that there are no boys in this school, so who are you really trying to impress? We will wear heavy makeup to school, an normal amount of it suitable for school.
    3.) We predict that people will look at us differently and judge us as to why we are wearing makeup to a school with no boys. Our friends may try to tell us to take it off so that we won't get made fun of for it.

  6. #4: orange class- Katherine K. Melissa W. and Christina P.
    The social norm we are going to violate is the expected vocal levels of a conversation. In close contact, it is expected of someone to speak in a low voice so as to maintain the intimacy of the conversation. On the other hand, in open public places it is expected of one to speak loudly. We are going to violate this. In personal discussions we will speak either very loudly or very softly depending on the background noise. We expect that people will be startled and confused. If we whisper, people may get paranoid as to surrounding listeners. Or, they may think we believe in conspiracies. In any case, they will likely think we are crazy. We would like to see if we are simply ostracized or if people attempt to make us change our behavior.

  7. GROUP 1
    1. Yellow- Christina Record & Lauren Reers
    2. The social norm that we will be violating is buttoning all three buttons on our school shirts and on our senior sweaters. Most girls at IHA do not button their polo shirts and we have both never seen a girl button their senior sweater. It is uncommon because it looks too formal for us.
    3. Hypothesis: We think that people will stare at us and our friends will make comments and tell us that we look weird.

  8. Group #3: Yellow class- Maria M. and Sam B.
    We chose to violate the social norm of sitting with your own friends at lunch. It is a mechanism of social control because branching out from your own "clique" seems weird to others. We will sit at a different lunch table and see how other people react.
    People will either be friendly and welcoming or act really confused and standoffish. The major reaction is that people will not really know how to react and be confused.

  9. #5 yellow class- Loryn Gugliotta and Madison Frank
    We are going to violate the normal behaviors that would be expected in a public scene. We are going to leave our phones on loud in the movie theater and keep making our phones ring and text. Normally, people would expect others to silence their phones and be respectful of everyone watching the movie.
    We think that everyone is going to be extremely annoyed by our phones and become angry at us for not silencing them. People might not say anything at first, but eventually people are going to either say something to us nicely to make us stop or start yelling at us.

  10. Group 2:
    1. Yellow-Maddy Shahin and Katrina Loukas
    2. The social norm that we will be violating is wearing weird glasses with a mustache on it. It is unexpected of women to have facial hair so by wearing these glasses, it would make people think that it is unnatural. We would violate this norm by wearing it in public to see how people react to us.
    3. We think people will look at us weirdly and judge us from wearing these glasses.

  11. Group 2
    Stephanie V.
    Holly S.
    2.) Normally in a public setting people keep to themselves for the most part, unless they are having a conversation with another person. Never do they proudly vocalize their thoughts. We will each go into a store, and walk primarily to the middle of the store, and talk loudly to ourselves.

    3.) We believe that people may not necessarily say something to us, but we will definitely get many stares and dirty looks from the other customers.
