Research Part II- Methods

Chapter 5 includes detailed information on sociological research methods. For this project, you should choose one of the following methods to apply to your topic.

Make sure you always record demographic info (easiest in a survey-- age, gender, relevant background questions) but be sure to keep things anonymous!! do not ask for names from anyone. In observation, try to make estimated guesses about demographic info. 

  • Survey
  • Naturalistic Observation
    • placing yourself in a situation to observe and evaluate but NOT manipulate 
    • paying close attention to other people/reactions
      • example: observe workers in a store/people at the mall
      • example: go to a car dealership by yourself and see how long it takes to be approached by a sales person. Go again with a male and see how long it takes (gender issues)
  • Case Study
    • focus on 1 specific example relating to your topic
      • example: research the history and development of a particular gang
      • example: research the history of crime in a particular city

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