1. Suggested Research Method/Why (3/31)
- see blog notes
- After meeting with me to revise your plan, detail exactly what you will be doing. Tell us your intended
- materials (survey- online v. paper)
- participants (age, gender, social class--relevant information)
- hypothesis (predictions about what you will find)
- By now, you should be underway in your research. IF you had any major changes (i.e. you went from a paper survey to online) indicate that. Otherwise, you should be letting us know what you're starting to see in your results. Are people meeting your hypothesis or no? Why do you think you're seeing what you're seeing?
4. Final Summary/Reaction (4/28)
- This is your conclusive post to this project. You should give some results as well as your reactions to your research. Did you find what you thought you would find? Why? Why not?
- After this semester, how do you feel about your topic?
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